Strategic Vision – March 2020

From the editors,

The editors and publishers of Strategic Vision offer our best wishes in these trying times to our readers through- out Taiwan and around the world. Given the widespread impact of COVID-19, we have made this issue a special issue offering an analysis of the many facets of the current crisis and how it will inevitably impact cross-strait and regional security.

Pandemic Portends a New Normal for Security / Richard J. Hu

Taiwan Demonstrates Healthcare Proficiency / Ruei-lin Yu

Biodefense Unit Needed to Safeguard Public Health / Lipin Tien

Crisis has Implications for National Security  / Fu-kuo Liu

Lessons from SARS Unheeded by Communist Party / Patrick Mendis & Joey Wang

Chinese Propaganda Spins Epidemic Response / Hon-min Yau

Outbreaks Represent National Security Threats / Chung-young Chang

Again, we implore or readers to stay safe, follow community procedures for minimizing the spread of the disease, and keep their loved ones out of harm’s way in these turbulent times.

Dr. Fu-Kuo Liu – Editor Strategic Vision